I stir fried the clam with ginger, garlic and chilli. Oops! forgotten about the minced preserved bean ( tau chew ). Here's how they looks like after the cooking. Add in some rice wine and white pepper as preferred.
Yummy ! We bought and cooked 2 kilo as whole family loves it. Why care about URIC Acid or Cholestrol..........when the food is DELISH !
Cheers !
The clams look really small..but RM2 for a kilo is not bad!
looks so nice wor...
Jackson, life is kewl up here but getting bored...
vien - cant eat too much though
wuching - it is delish but said earlier, cant eat much..
cheers !
hey dude
BB looks like he's growing up superfast. ;-)
And the clams look delish. ;-)
PS Welcome back
I've too much of those but think I'll have a go in stir-frying them sometimes coz it sure looks yummy :D
hey guys - thanx for dropping by. HOws's biz ?
shionge - they are delish
Oh, I've just finished my dinner and also ate clam. love it. Your baby is so cute. Congratulations mate
This is my favorite lala, so good and so light so if you buy 1KG, there are so much.
Hey...nice layout for your blog ;)
tu - thanx dude
bee - not that much if u love them lolz
dori - thanx
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